The Last Gas (Fuel Pump Replacement).
January 29, 2023
You're heading down the road and you notice your vehicle is sputtering, like it's running out of gas. But the gauge show's it's still got a quarter of a tank. So what gives? It could be that your fuel pump is failing, meaning your engine is not getting enough gas to run properly. While fuel pu... More

Odometer Rollback on Your Tiffin, Ohio Vehicle
January 22, 2023
How do Tiffin drivers know if an odometer is telling the truth?Well, back in '86, Congress passed the Truth-in-Mileage Act to protect Ohio consumers against mileage fraud. It says a Ohio seller must certify the mileage reported is the actual mileage.To have your odometer checked in Tiffin, Ohio... More

In the Hot Seat (Repair and Maintenance of Seat Heaters)
January 15, 2023
It's chilly outside. You flip on that switch that looks like a picture of a seat with little heat waves rising from it. You expect soon you'll feel that warmth but wait! It's not getting warmer. Oh no, what's wrong with my seat heater? There could be lots of reasons it's not working, and it cou... More

Getting from E to F (Fuel Gauge Problems)
January 8, 2023
Who thinks about their fuel gauge? You probably don't until it doesn't work any more. Then you have to guess how much fuel is in your tank, and that's no way to live life on the road. Fuel gauges, like every other part in your vehicle, can fail. And when yours stops working, you will probably... More

To Fix or Not To Fix: That Is the Question.
January 1, 2023
No matter what vehicle you drive, when certain things break, you have to make a decision. Should I get it fixed now, later or never? Air conditioning is one of those things. You can certainly live without air conditioning, but it sure is nice to have on a sweltering day. Let's say your air con... More