What Tiffin Customers like About Us at Courtesy Auto Repair Plus
March 31, 2019
A big part of the service we provide at Courtesy Auto Repair Plus for our Tiffin customers is education. We want you to feel confident with your service decisions. And we're always open to questions from our valued Tiffin area customers. Even though we try to be proactive in our Courtesy Auto Rep... More

Sniffing Out a Problem
March 24, 2019
Your parents probably taught you to have common sense. When it comes to your vehicle, common scents can also come in handy. Different smells may tell you about some conditions in your vehicle that need attention. For example, you know what rotten eggs smell like. If you smell them around your ve... More

Fuel Saving Tip: Tiffin Tune Up
March 17, 2019
Have you ever gone to listen to an orchestra? The musicians take the stage early and tune their instruments. Each individual instrument must be in tune, but the critical thing is for the entire orchestra to be in tune with each other. That's why they tune up together.Now this is no surprise; I'm ... More

Getting New Tires in Tiffin?
March 10, 2019
There are so many tire choices in the Tiffin area that selecting the right one can be a bit overwhelming for drivers. And even though it's kind of fun to have new tires on your vehicle, they're a significant investment for most Tiffin area folks so you want do it right.Tip: talk with your friendl... More

Save Fuel by Watching Your Weight
March 3, 2019
Most Tiffin drivers are all talking right now. Better gas mileage. Fewer emissions. Ohio folks want to save the environment and our pocketbooks.And we Tiffin drivers all know or should know that preventive maintenance will help maintain maximum fuel efficiency. But is there something more we ca... More