Clean Air for Your Engine: A New Engine Air Filter at Courtesy Auto Repair Plus
May 29, 2022
All of us in Tiffin know we have to get the oil changed in our vehicles periodically. That's just part of good vehicle care. But when Courtesy Auto Repair Plus technicians change your oil, they also usually inspect your air filter. That's why they sometimes let you know that your air filter needs... More

Passing the Test (How to Prevent Emissions Test Failure)
May 22, 2022
Vehicle emission testing has become ubiquitous in North America and for a good reason. Clean air quality is important for the environment and all of us. Since vehicle emissions are among the main causes of air pollution, emission testing can alert you to problems in your vehicle than can be fix... More

Don't Be Shocked (Shock Absorbers)
May 17, 2022
If you've ever ridden down a rough road on your bicycle, you know how hard a ride it can be. Yet drive down the same road in your car, truck or SUV and it miraculously will smooth out the ride. That's because it is equipped with shock absorbers. They are built to dampen impacts from road irreg... More

Speak Up: Talking with Your Courtesy Auto Repair Plus Service Advisor
May 8, 2022
About 80% of the vehicles on Tiffin roads today are behind on their preventive maintenance schedules. That translates to about 160 million vehicles in the United States that aren't performing as well as they could be - thousands right here in Ohio. Some of the maintenance issues are minor. Others... More

What Is an EGR Valve? (EGR Valve Service)
May 1, 2022
If you've ever felt your vehicle hesitate, go, then hesitate again, you might think there's something wrong with the transmission. After all, it's not moving smoothly down the road. But there are plenty of malfunctions that can cause those symptoms, one of them being something you may have nev... More