Too Hot to Handle (Vehicle Overheating)
November 24, 2019
In the hot weather, seeing steam coming from the engine compartment is something we all dread. No one wants that to happen to them. But if you know the signs of overheating and how to deal with it, you may be able to reduce the risk of damage to your vehicle, maybe even prevent getting stranded ... More

Courtesy Auto Repair Plus Tire Safety: Washington vs. Lincoln
November 17, 2019
Welcome to the Courtesy Auto Repair Plus automotive blog. Today, let's talk about the effect of tire wear. Let's focus on stopping in wet Tiffin conditions. In order for a tire to have good contact with the road, it has to move the water out of the way. If it can't move the water, the tire will... More

Introduction to Diesels for Tiffin, Ohio
November 10, 2019
Something you're going to be hearing a lot about around Tiffin, Ohio, is diesel engines. We're not talking about semi-trucks and buses; we're talking about diesel engine cars, pick-ups and SUVs.Most people in Ohio are surprised to learn that around half the cars on the road in Europe have diesel ... More

Time Out: Suspension Problems in Tiffin
November 3, 2019
Your vehicle's suspension system has two jobs: to prevent the passengers from getting tossed around inside the vehicle every time it hits a bump in the road and to keep the tires firmly planted on the road around every corner and over every bump.To see your suspension system, you'll have to look... More